Monday 19 December 2011

Loved By Parents Blog | December 2011

With 6 days until Christmas day, this must be the least shopping I have ever done. One year, many years ago before the times of children, I actually managed to shop, wrap and smile by October. Needless to say, those days are long gone and I suspect I will be joining the long queue of shoppers over the next few days. I do hope you are all managing to enjoy this festive season and spend time with your loved ones.

Christmas would not be the same without traditions. Decorating our tree is something I look forward to all year round. The children's handmade decorations are added and the multi colour tinsel is added to the tree. For the past 11 years, we have never had a perfectly positioned tree but It is unique to us and when I look at it, I can't help but smile. Looking forward to the New Year, makes me reflect on everything that has happened over the past year. The children will be another year older and I have a big milestone ahead. What will your New Year's resolution be?

Please don't forget that our awards open on the 9th January 2012. I am really looking forward to working on the project again and seeing all of your wonderful submissions.On behalf of the whole Lovedbyparents team, I would like to thank you for all of your wonderful support over the last year and wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas!

With Love