Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tooth Fairy

Matthew (9) and Leah (7) both lost a tooth yesterday and normally the Tooth Fairy is so organised that they wake up the following morning with a nicely written note and a shiny fifty pence under their pillows!. However i have it on good authority that the Tooth Fairy could not have visited last night as after a very exhausting day trip she had fallen asleep on the sofa after a much needed glass of wine.

The children woke up this morning to find their polished teeth still in the same places they had left them the night before .Then followed the discussion as to why she hadn't come. Did they not wrap their teeth in enough tissue (they had already used half a toilet roll each!), had they been forgotten about? and then the golden moment.. "Mummy,do you think the Tooth Fairy has come down with Swine Flu" Leah asked with a very concerned look. I tried very hard not to giggle but Matthew replied very swiftly with " Leah,everyone knows the Tooth Fairy can't get Swine Flu, she gets fairy flu!".

And so tonight the teeth have gone back underneath their pillows accompanied with two letters asking a number of very important questions! Let's hope the Tooth Fairy remembers tonight or who knows what tomorrow may bring!..
The magic of little minds!

Tooth Fairy

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Sienna Summers

Watching Super-nanny the other night my mind was mentally taking notes. If only painting flower pots and calmly talking to our toddler would restore order in our household. At the moment it feels like we have become a family of one child instead of four. She simply rules the roost and at times you can feel so many different emotions running through your body as you speak to her you know that if you don’t laugh you will simply cry.

Feeling like a parent pro the realisation of having a third child was so different to how i pictured it in my mind and to look back and think that at the time i was worried about how her older siblings would react to her arrival.

For a two year toddler her conversational levels are quite impressive, to look at her she is ever so beautiful and as she sits in her push chair singing, people comment on how adorable she is and i can only push and hope that nothing untoward will come out of her mouth.

We have tried the naughty step,the naughty corner and removal of her favorite toys to combat her swearing and demanding behaviour but she still continues. All 2 ft of her standing in front of us with her hands on her hips telling us that she is in charge and that we must listen to her. She is shockingly intimidating for a small child.

I can do it on my own!

I clearly remember the day Sienna entered the world. She was conveniently one week late and i had resigned myself to the fact that she simply did not want to come out of my tummy and they would have to go in there and fetch her using any means possible.She was a big baby and had a beautiful mop of thick black hair.Much to my shock she did not make much noise just simply latched onto my breast and happily fed for the next hour and half.

Fast forward two and a half years and my big baby is now a rather tall outspoken little girl who has her own ideas on not only how the world works but how she would like the world to work for her. She believes she can do everything on her own from dressing herself, using her body as an art easel and even dictating to her older siblings.

Having taken longer than normal to get ready this morning we were running late for school.Which amazes me as we have been doing the same routine for the last six years and still i hear myself reciting the same words over and over again like a parrot.

Sienna decided to grab her older sisters bag which held all of Leah's prize possessions and make a run for it into the garden. Leah can then be heard screaming after Sienna to return her belongings and Sienna replying with a delayed "But Leah,it's soo bootiful". meanwhile with butter all over my hands and partly on the bread i am longing for Friday to come already.

Hello World!

Hello everyone,

Lovedbyparents.com is a site for families. We aimed to create a site that would be easy to use and provide a wealth of information on anything and everything that parents love. We hope you will use the site on a regular basis and share with us your experiences as parents.

This is my story....
I can still picture myself as a six year old girl playing Libraries with my older sisters and thinking i was the most important person in the world as i stamped our books with a Post Office stamp which our mother had purchased earlier that week.

Even as the next twenty years passed by i never imagined becoming a mother and daydreamed my way through school planning my adventures and thinking i would happily live a life of freedom. 'A free spirit' is what my parents referred to me as and i would smile sweetly.

Little did i realise that real life has a funny way of taking over, i never planned to fall in love and before i knew it i was a mother of three, failing as a domestic goddess and clinging on to the hope that our youngest daughter (2)was pushing normal boundaries and didn't need psychological help!.

Welcome to my world!