Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tooth Fairy

Matthew (9) and Leah (7) both lost a tooth yesterday and normally the Tooth Fairy is so organised that they wake up the following morning with a nicely written note and a shiny fifty pence under their pillows!. However i have it on good authority that the Tooth Fairy could not have visited last night as after a very exhausting day trip she had fallen asleep on the sofa after a much needed glass of wine.

The children woke up this morning to find their polished teeth still in the same places they had left them the night before .Then followed the discussion as to why she hadn't come. Did they not wrap their teeth in enough tissue (they had already used half a toilet roll each!), had they been forgotten about? and then the golden moment.. "Mummy,do you think the Tooth Fairy has come down with Swine Flu" Leah asked with a very concerned look. I tried very hard not to giggle but Matthew replied very swiftly with " Leah,everyone knows the Tooth Fairy can't get Swine Flu, she gets fairy flu!".

And so tonight the teeth have gone back underneath their pillows accompanied with two letters asking a number of very important questions! Let's hope the Tooth Fairy remembers tonight or who knows what tomorrow may bring!..
The magic of little minds!

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