With 'Back to School' at the forefront of my agenda life has become a juggling act of lunchboxes, school uniform coats and shoes!. The past seven weeks have flown by and whilst I am looking forward to returning to 'normal' life routine I can't seem to get my head around the fact that another school year is about to begin. My life seems to be a series of threes. Three children, three of everything. I listen and smile as my friends tell me how their school labels have arrived thanks to the internet and hope that my children won't be disappointed with the fact that mummy has used a black marker instead. Perhaps they will be thankful that this year I have remembered the right teacher and class!.
Last year did not get off to the best start. We had hurried along and i was feeling ever so pleased with myself as we set off to school.The children looked smart and clean!, no term time stains! and as we approached the school gates I noticed that it was surprisingly empty. What could have happened you may ask?. Oh yes, inset day! so all of the excitement of school had to be carried over to the following day.
As Matthew stood in line a sick feeling washed over me as i realised that he was labelled right down to his underwear in the wrong class name!. How you may ask had this happened?. I had concentrated so hard on getting everything right that i had infact got it very wrong.
The look the children gave me needed no words to follow, it was one of complete understanding.
Last year did not get off to the best start. We had hurried along and i was feeling ever so pleased with myself as we set off to school.The children looked smart and clean!, no term time stains! and as we approached the school gates I noticed that it was surprisingly empty. What could have happened you may ask?. Oh yes, inset day! so all of the excitement of school had to be carried over to the following day.
As Matthew stood in line a sick feeling washed over me as i realised that he was labelled right down to his underwear in the wrong class name!. How you may ask had this happened?. I had concentrated so hard on getting everything right that i had infact got it very wrong.
The look the children gave me needed no words to follow, it was one of complete understanding.
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